Expert assistance

in the medical center "PRIZMA"

Medical Center Prizmа is the leader in providing dental care in Ukraine. Today it is more than 25 years of successful practice, the latest technology, complete safety, quality assurance and high standards in all types of dental care from hygiene and prevention to aesthetic restoration, prosthetics and implantation. The Department of Aesthetic Cosmetology and Rehabilitation is a world of health, beauty and harmony in the center of Kyiv in Podil. We achieve the heights of perfection in the aesthetics of the face and body using injection and hardware techniques, as well as the rehabilitation of the whole organism as a whole. We will help to preserve natural youth and beauty with the help of anti-age therapy methods, correction of face and body shapes, various laser technologies. And the VIP-line of cosmetic care, along with the therapeutic effect, will carry you into the world of harmony and pleasure.

Our principles


A complex approach

We develop personal programs for care and treatment, based on the characteristics and needs of the client.


Unique techniques

A professional combination of cosmetology, injection techniques and unique devices of the latest generation, the only ones in Ukraine.


Amazing result

Our doctors are focused on getting you the most effective result in the shortest possible time.



Our specialists work only with certified preparations with licensed equipment, adhering to all the rules of disinfection, antiseptics and asepsis.

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Иглоукалывание: За и Против


Иглоукалывание (акупунктура) — эта терапия, которая вызывает множество неоднозначных мнений как у обычных людей, так и у медиков. У нее есть как сторонники, так и противники.

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Dental X-ray during pregnancy in early pregnancy and later is a question that interests many expectant mothers. Not so long ago, this procedure had a number of absolute contraindications. And in this list was also pregnancy. But what to do...

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    Working hours:

    No holidays 8:00 to 20:00


    aesthetic dentistry

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    aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

    [email protected]


    aesthetic cosmetology and rehabilitation

    044 425 03 13 050 346-13-13 067 411-13-13

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