VECTOR-therapy: treatment of periodontitis


Periodontitis is a common dental problem and the most common cause of tooth loss among people over the age of 35 years. The statistics is not encouraging: even in the developed European countries and in the USA “periodontitis” diagnosis have 60-80% of patients.

In the recent past treatment of periodontitis was associated with pain and trauma. But thanks to the development of modern technology nowadays periodontal disease can be stabilized easily and efficiently with the help of “VECTOR” apparatus.

Vector-therapy is struggling with periodontitis at all stages of the disease, including severe and rapidly progressing forms of the disease.

“PRIZMA” dentistry specialists helped hundreds of people to get rid of periodontitis with the help of “VECTOR” apparatus. Extensive experience and high professionalism of physicians is a guarantee of high-quality vector-therapy in our dentistry in Kiev.

Vector-therapy in dentistry: how does it work

Treatment of periodontal disease vectormeans the elimination of disease causes, rather than just its symptoms. At the initial stage of treatment shall be removed tartar with toxic substances formed under the gums. In this way is carried out removal of bacteria from periodontal pockets.

Abundance of pathogens specifically causes inflammation and development of periodontitis. Gum treatment with “VECTOR” apparatus enables the elimination of inflammation even in the most remote places. Such improvements of gums have positive effect on tissues and teeth strengthening.

The scheme of “VECTOR” apparatus operation is quite simple: the device generates ultrasonic vibrations that have detrimental effect on bacteria accumulated in periodontal pocket. At the same time, microparticles of special cleaning powder polish the surface of tooth root. The guarantee of pathogens complete cleansing is an intensive washing of pockets with Vector Polish Fluid suspension.

VECTOR-therapy in “PRIZMA” aesthetic dentistry in Kiev is a choice in favor of the effective painless procedure without soft tissue damage.

Properties and indications for use

Vector-therapy in dentistryis a truly remarkable achievement of modern science and high technology. After all, this technique allows treating periodontitis:

  • without pain;
  • without soft tissue injury;
  • fast;
  • effectively;
  • without complicated operations.

VECTOR-therapy is administered in the following cases:

  • at the presence of any stage of periodontal disease;
  • in the need for preventive measures after periodontal treatment;
  • in the need for prevention implants rejection;
  • large amount of prosthetics (Snap attachment denture system, metal-ceramics, and so on.)

Vector systemis a method of periodontitis treatment that allows regularly observing the process of root pockets re-infection. Just after 2-3 sessions, patients experience ease and comfort in the mouth. In combination with modern preventive measures, this technique is a guarantee of patient’s gums and teeth maintenance absolutely healthy.

Current price of vector therapy in “PRIZMA” aesthetic dentistry in Kiev is presented on this site. Make an appointment with us and we will help you solve the problem!


Service prices
Service name Cost/UAH
Пародонтальная терапія з використанням ВЕКТОР-системи, за 1 зуб300


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