Removable Orthodontic Devices

Removable Orthodontic Devices

Orthodontology has made a great progress, and using removable devices does not look quite resultative. But we should not forget that at the period of mixed occlusion or is some special preparation is necessary we cannot do without orthodontological tooth plates.

What Is Removable Dental Plate

Removable orthodontological devices are tooth plates serving for correction of snagged teeth in children at the period of mixed occlusion (before 12–14). At the period that active growth of the upper and lower jaw and second dentition start, the use of orthodontological plates is of the highest efficacy.

Depending on the clinical case, one-jaw and two-jaw removable devices can be used.

The task of the removable plate is to timely correct the anomalies of jaw growth and teeth location.

The following important goals can be achieved by means of removable orthodontic devices:

  • Changing the jaw shape and the palate width;
  • Extending or narrowing the dental arch;
  • Displacement or rotation of a tooth;
  • Correcting of incorrect jaw position.

The main condition for ensuring the result is the systematic nature of wearing the removable tooth plate and consciousness of the child and parents. Only active cooperation with orthodontologist (examination, correction one or two times per month) may guarantee success.

The course of treatment

Depending on the clinical case orthodontologist makes treatment schedule and selects the type of structure indicated in this particular case. According to the indications removable orthodontological dental plates must be worn during at least 12–14 up to 20–22 часов в сутки.the plates are removed for the period of eating and cleaning teeth. As for the rest, they must stay in the oral cavity.

The treatment duration may constitute 6 month through a year. It is important to understand that removable device treatment is only the first stage of orthodontological therapy (in most cases). They are mainly used at the period of mixed occlusion and represent a type of preparation for the further orthodontological therapy by means of braces or mouthguards in permanent occlusion.

A removable orthodontological device is manufactured individually by a high-precision imprint. A plate is worn on the tooth and fixed on them by means of thin wire hooks (clammers). Depending on the case, the device may also comprise springs and screw of various purpose.

Appointing a visit

Do not neglect incorrect teeth position in childhood referring to their change in future. We recommend you to visit an orthodontologist  in aesthetic dentistry clinic PRIZMA in Kiev to avoide developping the possible troubles with teeth position and ocllusion and for timely diagnosis and preparation for treatment. The price for orthodontological dental plates is specified in the price-list.

Our doctors

Service prices
Service name Cost/UAH
Виготовлення активатора10 321
Виготовлення апарату Twin Blok11 309
Виготовлення апарату з вестибулярною дугою (похилою площиною)6 917
Виготовлення апарата з гвинтом (для розширення)8 564
Лікування міотрейнером7 137
Корекція знімного/незнімного ортодонтичного апарату (огляд, активація, корекція фіксувальних елементів)549


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No holidays 8:00 to 20:00


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